My struggle with Complex PTSD

Day May 25, 2021

C-PTSD Diagnosis

Finally. After years of knowing something was wrong and trying to seek help, I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD (C-PTSD). It was an incredible relief and a first step towards healing. You would think most people getting a diagnosis would… Continue Reading →


The single most import thing I did in this entire process was to forgive my father. I don’t believe I could have began to heal prior to extending this grace to my father. I came to the place of forgiveness… Continue Reading →

Emotional Flashbacks

My first EMDR counselor never told me about emotional flashbacks. I found about these during my own research into C-PTSD. Just learning about their existence was freeing for me. What are emotional flashbacks? According to Pete Walker, “Emotional flashbacks are… Continue Reading →

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